Bat Removal West Palm Beach

You should immediately call a nuisance animal control service if you find bats in the attic or your home. Bats can spread rabies, and their guano can lead to property damage. AAAC Wildlife Removal provides quick and humane solutions to get unwanted bats out of your home. Give us a shout!

Pest bats in your attic in West Palm Beach had better watch out!

Bats are beneficial to the environment because they eat insects that are harmful to plants and crops, but they can also be a nuisance and a health hazard when they take up residences’ homes or buildings. They can carry diseases and bacteria which they transmit to people or other animals that come into contact with them or their droppings.

They roost in places like attics, eaves, and under porches. If you have these critters on your property it is important to call AAAC Wildlife Removal before the problem gets worse.

Bat Removal from Attics in West Palm Beach, Florida

Florida is home to at least 13 bat species. Most pose very little direct risk to people. There are diseases that they could carry such as leptospirosis, histoplasmosis, and rabies. Because of their droppings and noise, bats can cause nuisance in buildings. Bats can also chew on wires or wooden, causing property damage.

Exclusion is the best way to get rid of these animals. This involves sealing all entry points. These critters can squeeze through very narrow gaps, so if all openings are sealed with close-fitting screens or other material after the bats leave for the night, they will be forced to find somewhere else to roost. Exclusion, however, is not allowed during the maternity season (April 15 to August 15).

Bats love to live in attic or chimney spaces. It is dark, quiet and warm. They like to make their homes in places where they will be undisturbed by people or other animals. They can use tiny cracks, gaps, or eaves in your roof, gables, or eaves to move around as they wish.

You are likely to have a bat problem if you live near bat-friendly areas. You should call a professional if you see these winged creatures flying around your house or if there are droppings or urine stains outside your house.

Bat Removal job in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach Bat Removal

AAAC Wildlife Removal of West Palm Beach is a family-owned and operated business that provides animal removal and exclusion services. We are licensed and insured, with more than 20 years experience in the field. We are licensed and insured by Florida.

We are proud to provide animal removal services to the surrounding areas of Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach area, Royal Palm Beach, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Shores, Riviera Beach, Lake Park, Palm Springs, Ocean Ridge, Mangonia Park, Lake Worth, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, and anywhere throughout Palm Beach County, Florida!

We perform wildlife control services for many types of animals, not just bat control and bat removal services. We offer snake removal, rat control, squirrel control, opossum control, and rodent control.

Wildlife professionals can also provide dead animal removal services. We can remove dead animals out of homes, garages, sheds, or other buildings. We also offer attic insulation removal and installation services to help keep your home or business free of pests and bats in the future.

If you are experiencing a bat infestation or any other type of wildlife problem, please do not hesitate to call us today!

Bat Extermination vs. Bat Removal

It can be frightening to discover bats living in your home. Your first instinct may be to call the pest control company. However, Florida law prohibits killing bats. Bats are protected under Florida law, which means that they can’t be killed unless there’s a threat to human health or safety. So, it is important that a licensed and experienced bat removal company is consulted. This will ensure that bats are removed safely and humanely from your home.

AAAC Wildlife Removal experts will never use poisons to remove bats. We believe in safe and humane methods to remove any wildlife infestation.

Bat Exclusion: The Best Bat Control Method in West Palm Beach

Exclusion is the best way to get rid bats out of your house. This seals all entry points for the small animals from their roosting areas in your attic or roof eaves. The work must be done during non-maternity times (April 15 to mid-August). Once they are excluded, they will find another place to live and you will be rid of them for good.

Bats will often leave at dusk to feed on insects and then come back into the building through a small opening. The size of this entryway is important because it must be closed off or larger than half an inch in diameter. They can squeeze very thin (less than ¼”) to gain entrance, so make sure you check every possible place where they might enter your home.

Bat exclusion works extremely well as it’s a hands-on procedure that seals off all entry points and prevents them from returning. It is also a permanent solution, so you can be sure the bats will not come back.

One-way doors are a common method of exclusion that works well for small animals like bats. These doors are made from metal, netting, or heavy-duty plastic so that they can withstand any weather conditions outside. These attach to an exterior wall around any opening that you suspect has a bat colony.

The one-way portal allows bats to exit, but no re-entry point. After they leave, close the one-way portal and seal the opening with permanent materials like wire mesh or metal sheeting.

Bat Guano found in an attic in West Palm Beach

Bat Damage

Bat guano or urine can damage the structure of your house. It can lead to wood rot and structural damage. It can also cause stains on ceilings and walls, which can be very unsightly. Ceiling cave-ins can be caused by guano buildup, which can result in costly repairs. It is important to get rid of bat guano as soon as possible. The longer they wait, the more damage they will do to your home.

Bat Exclusion

Bat removal West Palm Beach is best done by sealing up any entry points that bats may be using. This process is called exclusion and it ensures that no more bats will come into your home once they’ve been removed from their current roosting spots. Bat exclusion is quite a thorough process that requires an inspection of the exterior and interior areas where bats might be getting in.

These entry points may include chimneys, vents, gaps under garage doors or beneath eaves, even holes as tiny as a half-inch. Once these locations have been identified by our bat removal specialist we will take steps to ensure that they are sealed off so no other bats can get inside your home.

Bats in an attic in West Palm Beach

Removing Bats in the Attic

Bat removal from West Palm Beach homes is a complex task that requires expertise and attention to detail. Knowing how many bats are roosting in your West Palm Beach home is important. It is also crucial to identify the species of bats you have so you can safely and humanely remove them.

Our team has extensive experience with wild animals and is licensed to handle bat removals in West Palm Beach homes. Bats should be handled by professionals who are experienced in dealing with them. They are not like other pests that can be killed or swatted away without consequences. AAAC Wildlife Removal is available to help you if you have a bat problem.

The Process We Use for Bat Exclusion Work

If you attempt to exterminate bats yourself, it can be very time-consuming and difficult. It takes years of experience, special tools such as respirators for the bat guano dust found in attics, and a thorough knowledge of bats habits to get rid of them successfully. This is how it works.

  1. Spend time looking for bats in your home. You should inspect every area larger than 1/4 inch, including the gaps between vents and wires.
  1. Place one-way doors around openings in your exterior to stop animals from entering or leaving.
  1. You can check the attic to ensure that all bats have been removed from the building.
  1. You should seal all openings on your house, using a material that will not allow them in. For extra protection, secure any trim or siding that is loose.
  1. Perform attic cleaning and decontamination.
  1. Replace insulation if necessary.
  1. Exterior and interior damage from bats can be repaired.

Bats are beneficial because they provide free insect pest control, but when they take up residence in your home, it can be a huge hassle. These small creatures can be eliminated using exclusion techniques that don’t harm them.

We are experts on bat exclusion in Palm Beach County. If you have a problem with bats inside or outside of your home, please contact us today.

Dealing with Bat Infestation in West Palm Beach

The presence of bats in or around your home can be a huge headache. They can get under siding and reach the attic where they leave behind a lot of guano (bat droppings), which is extremely corrosive for wooden structures, insulation, ductwork, and other materials. Their urine also emits an ammonia-like odor due to all the waste they produce.

Bat droppings are dangerous to humans, but they can also cause Histoplasmosis for pets and people. This is a severe respiratory disease that can cause fever, chest pain, coughing up blood, and fatigue among other things. It is best to leave the removal of bats in Palm Beach County to experts who have experience with these creatures.

You must immediately take steps to eliminate bats from your home. AAAC Wildlife Removal is available to provide a consultation or more information about our bat exclusion services.

Does Animal Control Kill Bats?

Palm Beach County has no local animal control that kills bats. Bats are federally protected which means that it is against the law to harm them. If you call them, they will often refer you to wildlife control companies that offer animal removal and control services.

Experts with years of experience in trapping wildlife in Palm Beach County, Florida are the best people to help you. Do not attempt to remove the bats by yourself. Contact AAAC Wildlife Removal today for more information on our bat removal services.

What Diseases Can Bats Transmit to Humans?

Bats have known carriers of rabies, Histoplasmosis (a respiratory disease), and other diseases which can spread through their bite or scratch. They also leave behind large amounts of guano in the attic which can attract parasites and other insects such as roaches, ants, and rodents.

Bat guano contains Histoplasmosis spores which, when disturbed, can become airborne and be inhaled by humans. This can lead to severe respiratory problems, so it is important not to take this lightly.

If bats are found in your home, you should contact a professional bat removal firm immediately. You should not attempt to remove them yourself, as this could cause serious health problems.

Do Bats Carry Rabies?

Bats are well-known carriers of Rabies, a deadly virus that can be transmitted to pets and humans. While the transmission risk is not high, it’s best to be safe and avoid getting in touch with them.

Rabies is transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal, so if you are bitten by a bat it is very important to seek medical attention immediately.

These cases are often reported in the media. In 2009, an Alaskan woman was bitten by a bat at her house and contracted the disease. Two Virginians contracted rabies in 2001 from direct contact after trying to remove an entangled bat.

What is Histoplasmosis?

Histoplasmosis is a serious form of respiratory disease caused by Histoplasma Capsulatum. This fungus grows in the droppings and feathers of birds, bats, and other animals. Although it is not contagious, it can cause serious health problems for those who inhale the spores.

Symptoms of Histoplasmosis are mostly like common cold and may include fever, chills, headache, cough (may bring up blood), muscle ache, fatigue. These symptoms are common enough that testing is the only way to determine if you have them.

Are Bats Protected in Florida?

Bats are federally protected in the United States and it is illegal to harm, harass, or kill them. You should contact a professional nuisance animal control company if you find a bat living in Palm Beach County, Florida.

These animals are an integral part of our ecosystem. They provide many benefits, including controlling the number of insects. They can eat massive amounts of insects in an hour so not having them around can cause an increase in harmful insect populations.

Wildlife Removal Services in Palm Beach County, Florida

West Palm Beach Florida has a diverse wildlife population, including bats.|The wildlife population of West Palm Beach Florida includes bats.|West Palm Beach Florida is home to a wide range of wildlife, including bats.} The region is home to a wide variety of wildlife including raccoons, opossums, armadillos, snakes, and of course bats.

Our wildlife control professionals also offer snake and opossum removal services in Palm Beach County, Florida. We will create a plan that will safely and humanely remove the critters.

We are Palm Beach County’s premier wildlife control company and have been offering professional wildlife removal services for more than 20 years. We guarantee that we will remove any nuisance animals from your property.

Dangers of DIY Bat Removal

Bats are known to be carriers of deadly viruses such as rabies and leptospirosis. Their guano can also be toxic and infect people with histoplasmosis.

Histoplasmosis is the most common disease (besides rabies) associated with bats and can be fatal if contracted by people – especially those with compromised immune systems – which includes young children, elderly people, and pregnant women. This is why it is not recommended to attempt to remove bats by yourself.


What is guano?

Guano is bat feces or droppings. These droppings can cause Histoplasmosis, a disease that is caused by breathing in dried guano dust. Ceilings can be stained if bats have lived there for a while.

Is guano harmful?

Yes. Yes. If left untreated, histoplasmosis can lead to death from breathing in the dust made up of dried bat feces. Removing them by yourself is not recommended as you may contract the disease.

Is it safe for me to remove bats?

Most people will try removing these creatures themselves due to cost – please don’t do this as it’s incredibly dangerous; bats are known carriers of rabies and other zoonotic diseases(human transferable). 

The health risks associated with trying to remove them yourself are too high. You must also remember that permits are required to handle these animals in any type of relocation. We highly recommend having a professional handle the job instead of attempting it yourself as the time taken is way less than medical expenses and other costs that come with contracting these diseases from bats.

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Alex Lauffenburger

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

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  • Bat Management
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