Squirrel Removal Haverhill

Nothing is more damaging to insulation than a squirrel family setting up camp. Our AAAC Wildlife Removal professionals of Haverhill are right here to help you eliminate your squirrel issue, clean up the mess, and fix the damage. Don't delay, damaged wires can catch fire!

Haverhill squirrels living inside your yard and in your attics can cause property damage that will need repair.

Squirrels are cute, but they can also be destructive. Many people don’t realize that squirrels will chew through wires and insulation to make their nests inside of homes or buildings. AAAC Wildlife Removal provides squirrel removal services throughout Haverhill. Our experts are trained to safely and humanely handle these animals so they don’t return or cause more damage to your home.

Squirrels are some of the most annoying rodents to have in your house. They can enter your attic and cause extensive damage. They are not only annoying but can also cause structural damage and insulation degradation. Squirrels can also be a fire hazard because they love to chew on electrical wires. If you have a squirrel problem, you’re not alone. Squirrels can be found in many areas of the United States and they cause problems for homeowners every day.

Haverhill is no exception. Squirrels love Haverhill, Florida and it’s warm climate because they can survive year-round without the threat of freezing cold weather. Because of the mild winters in Florida, squirrels can stay active throughout winter. This means that homeowners are more likely than ever to see them at their homes searching for food and shelter. A squirrel infestation is something you don’t want to deal with. These rodents can cause significant damage to your property if they have no other place to go. There are likely to be some unwelcome guests living in your walls if you find something chewing on your attic or home.

Squirrels in the attic

Your attic can be a playground for squirrels. When they raid your home looking for food, they build nests in your attics too. They will usually enter your attic via a hole they’ve made in your roof, fascia, or soffit.

Squirrels can cause damage that is not only dangerous but costly if you don’t get rid of them quickly. These animals can chew through electric wires, posing a danger of fire. They love to chew through insulation in your attic, causing health problems and compromising the structural integrity of your house.

The spring is when squirrels enter attics looking for a nesting place. However, they can stay in the attic throughout the year if they’re not removed or if another squirrel takes the nest.

At AAAC Wildlife Removal, we specialize in humanely and safely removing squirrels from attics. We will make sure that all the entrances to your attic are sealed so that they can’t get back in. We also provide repairs to any damage that they may have caused while they were there.

These critters should be removed immediately as soon as you find them in your attic. Call our professional wildlife removal experts immediately!

Signs That You Have Squirrels in the Attic

These are signs that your attic might be infested by squirrels. {Our experience has shown us easy ways to tell if you have a squirrel problem.} Here’s what to look for:

  • Torn up insulation
  • Squirrel droppings
  • Noises coming from the attic
  • Pawprints near any openings
  • Unpleasant smell coming from the attic

We are available to help you if any of these signs is apparent. We can help eliminate these pesky creatures and prevent them from causing any more damage to your house.

Squirrels will never be satisfied and always seek more. Squirrels can be destructive and can cause extensive damage to your business or home. AAAC Wildlife Removal knows how frustrating these situations are and offers animal removal services in Haverhill Florida and surrounding areas.

Our experts are skilled and knowledgeable in the removal of squirrels from homes, churches, schools, businesses, and other structures. We provide these services for both residential and commercial properties with full customer satisfaction guaranteed.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

Squirrels living in your attic must be removed immediately. They can do more damage if they stay longer and it will be harder to get rid of them. Here’s how we handle squirrel removal:

  • Set traps and then remove the squirrels
  • Seal all potential to your attic
  • Inspect and repair interior or exterior damaged areas

Securing Squirrel Entry Points

Squirrels are masters at fitting into very tight spaces. They can easily fit through holes that are as small as an inch. That is why it is so important to hire an experienced wildlife removal professional to handle squirrel removal.

Squirrels can leap great distances. Squirrels can leap up to five feet horizontally or ten feet vertically. It is therefore important that exclusion techniques are used after an animal is removed from your house or attic.

Dead Squirrel Removal

It is not uncommon for sick or dying squirrels to crawl into crevices and voids within a building to die. Unfortunately, their decomposing bodies can produce unpleasant odors and fluids that drip from the ceiling and walls. This poses a health risk to your family and can be very difficult to clean.

AAAC Wildlife Removal offers dead animal removal services to all kinds of animals, including squirrels. Our team has the experience to handle these situations safely and efficiently, so there are no long-lasting effects on the structure or potential health hazards for the occupants. We will also make sure the area is thoroughly sanitized to prevent any health risks.

Dead animals can be difficult to remove as they often are in the most inconvenient of places. Our team is equipped with the proper tools and knowledge to remove dead animals from anywhere including crawlspaces, attics, basements, inside walls, floors, or ceilings.

A dead animal’s odor can persist for a long period of time and can be difficult to eliminate. This is why we consider odor control a top priority in such situations. So that the area can smell fresh again, we will use only the most effective odor neutralizers or deodorizing agents.

Learn more about Dead Squirrel Removal

Roof Fire caused by squirrels chewing on electrical wires in Haverhill

Squirrel Removal in Haverhill, Florida

The best way to get rid of these critters from your home is to call a professional wildlife removal service (like us!). AAAC Wildlife Removal experts understand that squirrels can be a problem. We will help you find the right solution.

We employ humane, up-to-date methods that do not cause harm to the squirrel. We use humane and up-to-date techniques to trap the squirrels and make sure they don’t return.

Professional Wildlife Trappers

Each one of our expert trappers is fully licensed and certified to handle nuisance wildlife. All aspects of wildlife removal are handled by our technicians. They have many years of experience removing animals such as squirrels, raccoons, opossum, skunks, bats, snakes, etc.

Homeowners cannot effectively trap squirrels on their own. It requires a lot of work and knowledge about the behavior of each type of squirrel. We use state-of-the-art equipment for trapping and will make sure that the critters are removed safely and humanely.

Animal removal is usually a three-part process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Setting up traps to catch the animal
  2. Seal all entry holes to prevent re-entry
  3. Inspection and repair of wildlife damage both inside and outside your home

Setting traps to catch a squirrel

We use either one-door or two-door traps and set them in areas where we see squirrel activity. The trap is baited with food that is irresistible to the squirrels. The trip plate is used to trigger the trap and snap the door shut to seal the animal in the cage.

Seal all entry holes

We will trap and remove all squirrels from your attic. Then, we will close any openings greater than 1/2 inch to stop more wildlife from getting into your home.

Exterior damage caused by squirrels in Haverhill

Inspection and Repair of Wildlife Damage

Finally, we perform a complete clean-up and decontamination of your attic to remove any trace of the nuisance animals. We then install insulation and reinstall vents as necessary before proceeding to a complete restoration of your attic.

Should I Use a Squirrel Exterminator?

This is unacceptable. Not only will the animals crawl into hard-to-reach places and die, but the smell will also be horrific. They may also track harmful chemicals in your home which could pose serious health risks for your children or pets.

While poison is effective against termites and ant colonies, it is not the safest way to deal with squirrels. A humane trap is a much better option. Please call a professional wildlife removal company like AAAC Wildlife Removal to take care of the problem humanely and effectively. We use safe exclusion and trapping techniques that are safe both for the animals as well as your family.

Our Squirrel Trapping Process

  • We first determine if trapping is necessary or if exclusion-based methods will be more effective.
  • We choose from a dozen of so traps, depending on the size of animal we’re trying to trap.
  • Place traps in places that we know the animals like to use.
  • Bait the traps with food that squirrels find irresistible.
  • Remove and relocate trapped animal.

Trapping or Exclusion

When removing squirrels, traps may not always be necessary. Sometimes, exclusion-based methods are sufficient. We use exclusion devices such as one-way doors to allow squirrels to escape but keep them from returning inside the house after they have left.

Choosing the right trap

We make sure the trap we use to capture squirrels is just right. There are many traps available for squirrel removal. Our team of experts will pick the best one for the job.

Place Traps in Key Areas

Choosing where to place the trap is one of the most important part of the process. We will pick areas where we think the critters are active and place our traps there.

Bait with Food They Like

What food do you use to catch a squirrel? It’s important! Different foods work better for different wildlife so it’s best if the professionals choose what kind of bait goes into the trap.

Remove the Animal

After we capture the squirrels, It is often pretty straightforward to remove them from your property. Before sealing any other entrance points, we double-check that the squirrels are gone from your attic or home. This will prevent other critters from getting inside as well.

Attic Clean Up and Decontamination

Squirrels will leave a terrible mess in your attic after living there for an extended period of time. You will need to deal with a lot of feces, urine, and hair. They will attract other pests like rats and cockroaches which can spread disease and illness throughout your home. To get rid of all traces of the pests, we will do a thorough attic cleaning and decontamination.

Before and After photos of wildlife damage repair in Haverhill

Attic Restoration Services

After all of the squirrel issues are resolved, we offer a complete restoration service that will return your attic to its former glory. This includes new insulation installation, reinstallation of vents that were damaged during squirrel removal and repair.

If you need help with Squirrel Damage and Attic Restoration, give us a call!

Before and After photos of wildlife damage repair in Haverhill

Wildlife Damage Repair

If left untreated, squirrel pests can cause serious damage to your house. They are very sharp with their teeth and will chew through anything that is in their way to gain access to your home or attic. In their quest for a home, they will destroy your roof, eaves and soffits.

It will be difficult to see the damage they cause to your exterior. You will surely hear remarks from neighbors about how your home looks. AAAC Wildlife Removal’s specialists can help repair any damage done by pests and make your home appear brand new.

Don’t wait to see if squirrels cause serious damage to your home. Act now and call us for consultation. We are happy to answer any questions you might have about our services.

If these critters have caused serious damage to your home or business, call us today for Wildlife Damage Repair!

Why hire a professional?

Although it may seem easy to get rid of squirrels by yourself, the process can be more complex than you think. There are also serious risks! Squirrels can carry parasites such as mites, bugs, and several diseases like Lyme disease, rabies, and leptospirosis.

These diseases can be deadly if not treated right away. Furthermore, trying to do any kind of wildlife removal yourself is illegal in Florida as rabies is a concern anytime you’re dealing with these wild animals.

Professional Squirrel Removal Haverhill, Florida

We also offer wildlife removal services for raccoons and skunks in Palm Beach County. We are fully licensed and insured professionals who will make sure that all your nuisance wildlife problems are taken care of.

We provide wildlife removal services in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Royal Palm Beach, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Shores, Lake Park, Riviera Beach, Ocean Ridge, Palm Springs, Mangonia Park, Lake Worth, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, and the surrounding areas.

Don’t try to handle these animals on your own. You could get injured and the animals could infect you with rabies or other diseases. Our professionals will take care of all the details. Our professionals have the knowledge and experience to quickly and safely eliminate nuisance wildlife. You can rest easy knowing that your home is pest-free and your family is safe.

AAAC Wildlife Removal is a family-owned and operated business located in Haverhill, Florida. For over 20 years, we have provided quality wildlife removal services. We are licensed and insured, so you can be sure that you are hiring a reputable and professional company. We offer a variety of services, including squirrel and rat removal, opossum control, skunk elimination, and bird control.

We also offer comprehensive damage repair services to all kinds of wildlife damage. Our specialists have the experience and expertise to get your home back to its original condition. We offer many prevention services including attic insulation so that you are protected against future infestations.

Call us today!

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Alex Lauffenburger

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

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  • Werner Climbing Pro
  • Home Repair Specialist
  • AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional
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