Raccoon Removal Greenacres City

AAAC Wildlife Removal is available to help you if you live in Greenacres City Florida. We offer both residential and commercial animal removal services in Greenacres City. Our team of professionals is available 24/7 to take care of any nuisance wildlife problems you may have!

Greenacres City raccoons living in your yard and attics can cause property damage that will need repair

Raccoons are a nuisance that can cause a lot of damage to your home and property. AAAC Wildlife Removal Greenacres City is the best place to call if you suspect that your attic or backyard has been infested. We are experts in wildlife control and animal trapping, including raccoon control.

We will inspect the area in which the critters live and then remove them with the special equipment we have designed for that purpose. You’ll be left with a clean environment free from pests!

Racoon in the attic in Greenacres City

Raccoon in the Attic

Raccoons love to live in attics of homes! While they might look cute, they can be very destructive if you do not take the necessary steps. They enter attics through exterior vents and chew their way in or tear down the shingles on your roof. Once inside, these critters make nests for themselves out of insulation which they contaminated with urine and excrement.

Homeowners in Palm Beach County face many problems from raccoons in their attics. Raccoons not only cause damage to your insulation, but also make noise, and leave droppings all over the place. To make their home, raccoons will also bring food wrappers and containers into the attic.

Dead Raccoon Removal

Greenacres City Florida’s year-round warmth makes it difficult to remove dead animals. Dying animals love to crawl inside walls and ceilings. They create a terrible odor and become a breeding ground for flies and maggots that carry diseases.

Removing dead animals on your walls or under your house can be a difficult and nasty job. AAAC Wildlife Removal’s team of specialists can help. We have the expertise, knowledge, equipment, and experience to safely remove any dead animal from your property. Our dead animal removal service is fast, efficient, and affordable.

We will disinfect the area to prevent any disease from spreading to your house.

Learn more about Dead Raccoon Removal

Racoon Removal Greenacres City

Greenacres City Raccoon Removal

Pest control that uses poison to deal with raccoon problems is never a good idea. The last thing you need is a dead raccoon rotting in your attic. The carcass will not only create an unpleasant odor, but will also attract maggots, fleas, and other disease-carrying insects.

In addition, before dying, the raccoon will track the harmful chemical through your home until it eventually dies. This is a serious health hazard and something you cannot take lightly.

AAAC Wildlife Removal won’t use poison to get rid of raccoons. Instead, we use live traps that can be set in a variety of ways to ensure success. It is a humane and highly effective way to get rid of these pesky critters.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Greenacres City Area

A common strategy used to rid a home of these critters is to trap and remove them from the property. However, trapping these animals requires a certain level of expertise to be done humanely and effectively. You need to hire a certified and licensed trapping company.

You cannot just buy any trap at your local hardware shop. There are many types of traps, and each one requires a certain level of expertise. We will help you choose the best trap for your situation and then set it up in a way that guarantees it to work.

AAAC Wildlife Removal is licensed and certified by Florida. We have the expertise and equipment to trap and remove the animals from your home quickly and humanely.

Because you don’t want the horrible smell of dead rats in your attic, we always use humane traps. Two types of traps are available:

  • One-way trap doors
  • Two-way trap doors

For trapping raccoons, one-way doors are usually sufficient. However, two-way doors increase the chances of success by allowing animals to see through the trap. Animals will usually be more comfortable getting in the cage if they can see through to the other side.

Also, you need to lure them with something that they find attractive. You can use pet food, fruits, or marshmallows to lure them. These baits smell very tasty to a mother raccoon and the marshmallow’s white color stands out in a dark attic.

Repellents don’t make any meaningful impact on raccoon behavior. People have tried things like mothballs and ammonia but these are just a stopgap measure at best. A better solution is to make your house less inviting for them by eliminating access points, sealing up holes with steel mesh, and trimming overhanging tree limbs that they can use as a bridge from the tree to the roof.

Our Raccoon Removal Process

We use humane and safe methods to remove raccoons from your home or property. This is our procedure for removing raccoons from your home or property.

  • Set Traps
  • Remove Raccoon
  • Make home less attractive to wild animals
  • Seal entry holes
  • Clean attic
  • Repair any damage done

Setting traps

We set the traps in areas where the raccoons are known to frequent. The traps are baited with sweets such as marshmallows or wet cat food.

Remove the raccoon

Once the raccoon is captured, we’ll remove them so that they aren’t able to return to your property.

Make your home less attractive to wild animals

After removing the animal, we’ll make your home less attractive to raccoons and other wildlife by removing all possible food and water sources.

Seal the entry holes

We will find any entry points that raccoons or other wildlife may use to get into your home and seal them all. We use special mesh netting to cover holes and keep animals from getting inside.

Clean up the attic

We’ll clean your attic of all raccoon waste and debris to prevent the spread of parasites and diseases. Our special enzyme cleaner kills any bacteria or mold spores in your attic. It can also be used to remove any unpleasant odors left behind by raccoons.

Repair wildlife damage

Once cleaning is complete, we will repair all damage caused by the infestation both inside and outside of your property. These include: ripped shingles, chewed through wood and siding, etc. We’ll also replace insulation or roofing that is damaged, torn, or has been ripped apart.

Raccoon Repellents

Raccoon repellents sold in the market never work in any meaningful way. There are a number of these products out there that are advertised as being able to keep raccoons away from your property. However, most of these products have very limited effects on raccoons as the animals can simply adapt to the noises and smells.

Some may even be harmful to humans and pets when used around the property. You can repel raccoons by making sure they are not attracted to your home.

damage to roofline caused by raccoon in Greenacres City

Raccoon Infestation Signs

Raccoons usually leave signs of their presence behind after they have moved into your attic. These signs include:

  • Unpleasant smell of droppings
  • Damage to your home’s exterior
  • Strange noises
  • Tipped over garbage bins
  • Raccoon tracks
  • Missing pet food
  • Pets behaving strangely

Droppings that leave an unpleasant odor

Raccoons don’t use the bathroom so they will just go anywhere. You will find your attic covered with their droppings, urine, and nesting material.

Not only is this an unsightly mess to deal with, but it also poses a serious health risk. Droppings can be full of harmful bacteria and parasites, which can make your family and friends very sick. The droppings can also attract other animals and parasites, which can make it difficult to get rid of.

Raccoon roundworm is a serious concern with these animals living in your attic. This parasitic worm can be transmitted to humans from contact with raccoon feces or urine. It can cause blindness, seizures, and even death in extreme cases.

Exterior damage to your home

Raccoons like nothing better than finding a nice warm place in which they can live. To find it, they will destroy anything in their path, including roof shingles and vents. If there are raccoons in your home, it is possible to see holes and tears. This could also be dangerous because insulation materials might have been altered, potentially exposing wiring in walls and ceilings. This can increase the risk of a fire hazard.

Strange noises

As they crawl around in your attic, crawl space, and chimneys, raccoons create a lot of noises. This is a sign you have an infestation. Before these creatures cause permanent damage to your home, it is important to get professional assistance from wildlife experts immediately.

Tipped over garbage cans

The raccoon is a nocturnal animal and mostly scavenge at night. Raccoons love to dig through garbage cans and dumpsters looking for food scraps and other items that they can eat. You should seal your trash cans to stop raccoons from rummaging through them.

Raccoon tracks

The raccoon is a nocturnal animal and mostly scavenge at night. Raccoons love to dig through garbage cans and dumpsters looking for food scraps and other items that they can eat. If a raccoon has made its way into your property you should make sure that your trash bins are sealed shut so that these animals cannot get in.

Were you aware that Raccoons have very sensitive hands that almost act as a second set of eyes?

Missing pet food

Raccoons will eat any food, even cat or dog food, left out overnight. If your area is susceptible to raccoon infestation, it’s best to keep pet food indoors.

Did you know that Raccoons are omnivorous?

Strange behavior in pets

If raccoons invade your home, pets like dogs and cats will behave strangely. This can cause animals to feel more anxious, and even aggressive if there is wildlife in their vicinity.

damage to roofline caused by raccoon in Greenacres City

Wildlife Exclusion

The only long-term solution to a raccoon problem is wildlife exclusion. This means covering up all entry points so that the animals can’t get back in. These openings are crucial for preventing future infestations. Our experts can identify and seal them.

For animals to be away, it is important to maintain their environment. This includes trimming trees limbs and removing any food sources. If you are having a problem with raccoons, please call us at AAAC Wildlife Removal for advice. We will help get rid of these pests forever!

damage to roofline caused by raccoon in Greenacres City

Attic Clean up and Re-insulation

A warm, cozy attic is the best place for raccoons to raise a family. This means that they will shred any insulation they can get their hands on and create a huge mess.

This can not only be unsightly, but it can also pose a serious threat to your health. The insulation is designed to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It can’t do its job if it is covered with raccoon urine and feces.

Additionally, soiled insulation can be a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites. This means that you will be constantly exposed to these harmful organisms as long as the insulation is in your attic.

Our wildlife experts are trained in attic cleaning and insulation replacement. We will remove all of the contaminated insulation, sanitize the area, and replace it with new insulation. This will make your home safe and healthy again.

Learn more about Attic Restoration

Before and After photo of Raccoon damage repair in Greenacres City

Wild Animal Damage Repair

After your pests are gone and your attic is cleaned up, you can begin to fix any damage that has occurred inside or outside your home. This could include damage to your roofing, siding, chimneys, or wiring.

Our wildlife specialists have the ability to repair any damage caused by raccoons and other wildlife. After all the repairs have been made, we will seal up entry points to ensure that wildlife cannot get back in. We will seal up entry points to ensure that wildlife cannot get into your home again.

We are proud to offer wildlife pest control services to the surrounding areas of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Royal Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Mangonia Park, Riviera Beach, Wellington, Jupiter, and Singer Island.

Besides raccoon removal services, we also offer bat removal services, snake removal, rodent removal, control of birds, squirrels, rats, insects, coyotes, and skunks. We have the ability to handle wild animals of every kind and offer wildlife control services that are unrivaled.

Contact us today for Wildlife Damage Repair!

Raccoon Removal Greenacres City

Removing wild animals like a raccoon inside homes can be dangerous. It can be even more dangerous if you attempt to do it yourself without proper training and equipment. Raccoons are known carriers of rabies and other potentially fatal diseases and handling them yourself puts you at risk.

In cases of animal infestations, professional help is always the best option. It is also a more cost-effective solution as it can save you from additional damage to your home which can be quite extensive in some cases.

AAAC Wildlife Removal strives to provide the most efficient and safest raccoon removal Florida can offer. No matter how small or large the wildlife problem is, our team of experts is equipped to handle it! Call us today so we can help you get rid of your raccoons!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of raccoons in my attic?

Wildlife exclusion is the only way to make sure you don’t have another problem with raccoons. This means that all entry points are sealed off so they can’t come in again. We will identify and seal these openings to prevent future infestations.

What is the best way to keep raccoons away?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to keep raccoons away will vary depending on your home and property. However, regular maintenance (such as trimming tree limbs and removing potential food sources) is essential for keeping raccoons away.

What kind of diseases do raccoons carry?

Raccoons can transmit a number of harmful diseases, including rabies, leptospirosis, and roundworm. Raccoons can transmit diseases via their saliva and feces. It is crucial to keep your distance and not touch them.

What is the damage that raccoons can do to my home?

Raccoons cause severe damage to homes both inside and out. They can damage insulation, wiring, siding, chimneys, roofing, and siding and cause structural damage.

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Alex Lauffenburger

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

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  • AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional
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