Bird Removal in Palm Beaches

Our AAAC Wildlife Removal pros are here to help you evict your birds, clean up the mess, and repair the damage. We specialize in humane bird removal methods like netting and trapping, and we will remove the nuisance birds from your property quickly and effectively. Give us a call today!

Birds can find easy entry to your home through unprotected vents

Birds can be a big problem for homeowners. Not only do they constantly make noise, but they also leave their droppings everywhere. This can lead to diseases and other health problems. Their droppings are also very acidic and cause wood and metal to corrode. If you have a bird problem, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. AAAC Wildlife Removal of Palm Beach is a professional wildlife removal company that can help you get rid of birds quickly and safely. We use humane methods to remove birds and prevent them from coming back. We also clean up any mess es they may have left behind. If you’re having a bird problem, call us today! We’ll help you get rid of those birds and restore peace and quiet to your home.

Types of Nuisance Birds in Palm Beaches Florida

In Palm Beaches Florida, there are various nuisance birds that people have to deal with. There are pigeons, crows, seagulls, and many other birds that can cause problems. Our bird removal company handles all types of nuisance birds.

Some of the most common nuisance birds are:


These species of bird are one of the most common types of birds that we get rid of in Palm Beaches Florida. These birds are a huge problem for homeowners because they are known to carry a variety of disease and parasites. Not only that but they’re also known to carry a bacteria called cryptococcus which can cause lung infections in humans. They are very noisy too. Some people find this sound soothing but for the most part, people find it very irritating.

Pigeon droppings also contain uric acid which can rot wood compromising the structure of a building or home.


Starlings are a type of bird that resides in Palm Beaches Florida that often nests in vents. They block the airflow to your vents which can lead to overheating in the summertime. They also make a lot of noise and leave droppings all around the area.


House sparrows are notorious for being very destructive. They eat just about anything even the food meant for your livestock or pets. They also peck on the buds of fruit trees which can stunt the growth of the tree. In addition, they also leave droppings all over the place.

Sparrows have been the bane of farmers for a long time. They eat crops and ruin the production of grain in an area.


These birds are one of the most dangerous types in Palm Beaches Florida. They carry diseases that can be deadly to humans. In addition, the amount of droppings they leave behind is just disgusting.


Woodpeckers are also a common type of bird that can be found in Palm Beaches Florida. They are known for their loud drilling noises and for pecking on wood to find food. Woodpeckers can cause damage to homes if they start pecking on the side of your house looking for insects. They will make holes in siding or shingles and eventually cause water leaks inside.

Muscovy Duck

Muscovy ducks are an invasive species in the Palm Beaches area. They are known for being aggressive towards people and pets. Muscovy duck droppings can also be a health hazard and these birds are known to carry disease. They can cause damage to buildings and property through their very acidic droppings.

Why do birds nest in vents?

Birds are known for nesting in vents because of the warmth they provide. If you have a heat vent close to where your bird feeder is, they will take advantage of it and use that as their ideal place to build nests or lay eggs. Here are a few reasons why they build nests in your vents:

  • Dryer vents: Birds are known for nesting in dryer vents because they provide warmth, shelter, and are out of the way.
  • Exhaust vents: These exhaust vents are the most common places for birds to roost because they are dark and provide a lot of warmth. If a bird gets in and others will follow because it is a safe place with no predators.
  • Kitchen vents: Kitchen vents are a popular place for birds to nest because they provide warmth and the smell of food is attractive to them.
  • Attic vents: Bird nests in your attic vents are a very common problem anywhere. This is because they are looking for a place to raise their young and your attic vents provide the perfect environment.

Damaged caused by birds in Palm Beaches

Damage to your roofing

Birds generally don’t mean any harm by flying over your property. In fact, they often provide a soothing sound in the background as you go about life. However, birds can also cause significant damage to roofs.

  • Bird Poop: Birds are territorial creatures and may feel compelled to poop on top of any roof within their territory that is not theirs. Bird poop will degrade the substrate layer especially with tar based roofs. This can cause serious leaks. The lifespan of a warehouse roof can be cut in half by a light and continuous application of bird poop over time.
  • Bird Nests: Birds will often build nests in the convenient confines of gutters. Blocked gutters can cause serious damage to any roof they are near. If left untreated, blocked rainwater will pool on top of roofs and eventually seep through seams or holes in the substrate layer due to pressure buildup from water weight. This leads to leaks that often go undetected for long periods of time because they’re hidden by insulation layers up high on the building envelope; this leaves buildings susceptible to mold growth which is expensive and difficult to remove once established.
  • Collapsed Roofs: Pigeons have been know to enter attics of houses, apartments and other buildings through openings that have either been broken or left unsealed. The pigeons set up home in these protected areas, build nests and poop relentlessly. Often the weight of this droppings becomes so great that it actually collapses the ceiling!

Fire Hazards Caused by Birds Nesting

Bird nests can cause a fire hazard as their nest is made from twigs, straw, and other materials that can easily ignite. If a bird nest is close to an electrical wire or a heat source, it can cause the nest to catch on fire. This could potentially start a fire and endanger your family or employees.

Bird Nests Blocking Ventilation

Birds nests can also block the ventilation of your home or building, as they are seeking shelter and nesting places. This will cause the air conditioning or heating to not work as well and could lead to an increase in your energy bill. The blocked vents might also create a breeding ground for mold and other pests.

Corrosion of equipment and structures

The acid in the bird droppings can also corrode metal and other materials. This will cause them to rust or deteriorate faster than they normally would. If this is near any of your equipment, it could potentially ruin it. The corrosion might also weaken the structure of your building which could lead to a collapse.

How to Remove Birds

Birds Nesting in your Vents

Birds in vents are very difficult to remove so it’s best to get a professional out to take care of the problem. It is best not to attempt this yourself because you could get hurt or cause more damage than good. Pros will also seal up the vents after they are done so this won’t happen again.


Pigeons can be removed in two ways: exclusion and abatement. Exclusion is when we seal off all the possible entrances that the birds are using and then abatement is when we remove them. Abatement can be done through several methods such as shooting, trapping, or poisoning. We will determine which method is best for your specific situation.


We can remove woodpeckers without resorting to any toxic chemicals or spikes, which will harm the woodpecker. Netting is a very effective way to remove woodpeckers. We will place the netting over wood surfaces that the woodpecker is targeting and they will eventually give up on trying to peck at it.


To remove house sparrows, sheet metal, or netting to keep the sparrows out of their nesting areas. We can also use sparrow traps, mist nets, and sticky gels to repel the sparrows.


Starlings can be removed by removing their nests. They’re very easy to miss so it’s best to get professionals to take care of this problem. They can also use scare devices, which will make a loud noise to scare away the birds. Repairing holes and broken windows so they can’t nest is also another option.

Muscovy Duck

The best way to remove these Muscovy ducks is to mimic their natural predators. We can do this by using predator decoys or distress calls. This will scare the ducks and they will fly away to find a new place to live.

Bird Removal Palm Beach

Residential Bird Removal

We are the experts at residential bird removal. No job is too big or too small for us. We have the experience and knowledge to get the birds out of your home safely and humanely. We use a variety of techniques depending on the situation, such as exclusion, trapping, and abatement.

We understand that this can be a stressful time for you and we will do everything we can to help you get your home back. We will put up a barrier on the areas where they are getting in so that they cannot come back again.

Commercial Bird Removal

We offer commercial bird pest control services and bird abatement services for commercial clients. We understand that birds can be a nuisance and can cause damage to your property. We will work with you to find the best solution for your specific situation. We use a variety of methods such as exclusion, trapping, and abatement.

Bird Proofing Solutions Palm Beaches

Our company offers bird proofing solutions in Palm Beaches and surrounding areas to keep pest birds out of your home or business. We will work with you to find the best solution for your specific situation and we have experience in bird proofing rooflines, skylights, a/c units, chimneys, soffits & eves troughs. Contact our office for us to help you remove these nuisance birds and protect your home or business through bird proofing solutions.

Wildlife Removal in Palm Beach Florida

Our services offer wildlife removal in Palm Beaches and surrounding areas. We specialize in removing all types of nuisance wildlife pest control, from raccoons to bats to snakes. AAAC Wildlife Removal of Palm Beach is a professional wildlife removal company. We proudly offer our services in the surrounding areas of West Palm Beach FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Mangonia Park, and anywhere else in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Alex Lauffenburger

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

  • Certified Mole Removal/Specialist
  • Bat Management
  • Wildlife Professional Cert
  • Marksman SM Bore - 25 & 50 YDS
  • Werner Climbing Pro
  • Home Repair Specialist
  • AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional
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Great company! Great service! Thankful they got here so quick. Would highly recommend! ...
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Incredible professionals who are experts in trapping and removing wildlife. We have been in the “...
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