Armadillo Removal in Palm Beaches

As soon as you see small holes appearing around your property, it’s time to call AAAC Wildlife Removal of Palm Beaches. You might be annoyed by these little guys tearing up your lawn or garden, but the real damage happens under the surface. Armadillos can dig holes near your house and ruin your foundation. That is an extremely expensive repair! Call AAAC Wildlife Removal today!

Armadillos do a real number on your landscaping

Armadillos are destructive animals that can cause big problems for your property. They dig up yards and gardens, destroy foundations of homes, and leave behind large piles of waste that attract other pests like fleas or ticks. If you have an armadillo problem in Palm Beaches, Florida then AAAC Wildlife Removal is the company to call!

AAAC Wildlife Removal will remove all armadillos from your property by trapping them in box traps set out around the perimeter of your yard or garden area. Once trapped they will be humanely removed and we’ll make sure that they’ll never come back. We also provide wildlife control services for all other types of nuisance wildlife like squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and bats.

Armadillo Removal Palm Beach

Armadillo species vary from the north to south regions of Florida. In northern parts, armadillos are usually found roaming in open grasslands and pine forests where they feed on grubs and earthworms. The more southern areas contain a greater diversity of habitats which include forested hammocks, subtropical thickets, xeric scrublands as well as freshwater marshes.

If you are not sure if armadillos are living on your property, there are some ways to tell. Armadillos leave large holes in the ground as they dig for food and shelter. They also like to burrow under decks, sheds, or low bushes. You might see their characteristic cone-shaped piles of dirt or scat, which are composed of undigested insects.

Removal and critter-proofing services are available to prevent armadillos and other wildlife from entering your home or yard.

Damaged and Concerns Caused By Armadillos

Armadillo mostly loves to dig up yards and gardens causing severe damages to the plants, trees, and grass in search of food. Armadillo also has a habit of burrowing under home foundations, which can cause them to collapse over time. Furthermore, armadillos are known carriers of leprosy and may leave your property with fleas or ticks that could potentially put your family’s health at risk.

They Damage Your Garden and Yards

Armadillos love to create burrows or dig small holes all over in search of food. They can also dig up your lawn making it look like sand dunes. They also love to munch on your plants and flowers, which can destroy them in no time.

They also leave unsightly holes in your lawn, which can be quite unattractive. It is common to find holes that are unsightly to see when the animal has been digging the area for a very long time.

Armadillos can be destructive in terms of landscaping and garden maintenance. They can create holes and destroy plants in search of food meaning you will need to replant your yard or garden, which is not cheap nor easy!

They Damage Your Home Foundation

A hungry armadillo will burrow and dig near your house and driveway foundation to look for food. They are capable of digging a tunnel underneath your home where it can cause the foundation to weaken and even collapse over time.

They are capable of creating large holes around your home which can compromise the stability of your home’s foundation. When armadillos burrow underneath the ground, they can cause damage to the soil structure which will make it weak and unstable over time. Their burrowing activities can easily erode soil supporting structures, such as foundations, sidewalks, and retaining walls.

If they are not removed, armadillos can easily cause damage to your house as well as the driveways and sidewalks. They dig under fences and walls to get into yards or homes, and can easily make their way in by digging small holes.

They Carry Diseases

Armadillo is capable of carrying many diseases and parasites. They are known carriers for leprosy, which can be easily contracted by humans through their saliva and other body fluids when they come in direct contact with the skin.

Armadillos can also spread fleas and ticks that might contain other harmful diseases, such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It is important to be aware that when armadillos invade your property, they can leave you and your family members susceptible to harmful diseases.

Prevention and Exclusion of Armadillo in Palm Beaches

Armadillo can be prevented from entering a home by using some simple DIY methods for beginners such as putting fences or other metal barriers where there are holes in the ground that might attract these animals. Repellant sprays that are specially made to repel armadillos away from your house can also be used to repel them from digging around your area.

A very effective way to keep armadillos from coming onto your property is a method called exclusion. This means fencing off areas where they can easily get in, like under decks or near bushes. Entry points that are not easily accessible can be closed off with fencing, sealing with wire mesh, and even covering with heavy wire.

Armadillo Fencing

The best way to protect your property from armadillos is by using fencing. You can install an Armadillo Fence which will stop them from entering your home and damaging your property. An Armadillo fence looks like a regular metal fence, but the spacing in between the bars is small enough so that armadillos cannot fit through.

This fence is also buried a few inches into the ground so that armadillos cannot dig their way in. Electric fencing can also add an extra layer of protection to keep armadillos out. If you are looking for a permanent solution, an Armadillo Fence is the best way to go!

The only real drawback to fencing is the cost. Depending on the size of your property, it can be a costly investment.

Use Their Sense of Smell Against Them

One way to prevent armadillos from entering your yard or home is by using their sense of smell against them. A strong-smelling repellant can be sprayed around the area so that they will not want to come near. There are many different types of repellants and most of them use pine-scented odor to repel the armadillos.

Trapping Armadillo

If you have an armadillo problem on your property and none of these methods work, then trapping might be the best solution for you. There are many different types of traps that can be used depending on what type of animal you are trying to trap. The most common type of trap for armadillos is a cage trap, which is very effective in trapping these animals.

When setting up a trap, make sure to place it in an area where the armadillo has been seen frequently. Bait the trap with something that the armadillo likes to eat, like watermelon or sweet potatoes, and set it close to its burrow. When the armadillo enters the trap

Some people might achieve this task without hiring a professional to remove armadillos. However, getting rid of it yourself contains risks as these animals are clever and elusive. The best option is to hire a professional trapper.

Risks of DIY Armadillo Trapping

There are many risks in dealing with armadillos yourself. These creatures can become aggressive and even carry diseases so it is best to avoid getting too close to them or trying to trap them without the proper training.

These animals have very sharp claws and digging tools on their noses. If this animal does get away from you while trapping or tries to scratch or bite you, then seek medical attention immediately because armadillos are known for carrying diseases like leprosy.

All of these methods have been tested by professional trappers, which means that they know how every type of animal thinks and acts. Trying to solve the armadillo problem without professional help could lead to frustration and further damage to your property.

Dead Armadillo Removal and Deodorization

After the armadillo has been removed from your property, it is important to make sure that the area does not reek of its foul smell. The last thing you want is for your yard to smell like a rotting armadillo carcass.

The odor removal process starts with removing any visible remains, such as blood or tissue. Next, we will spray the area with a deodorant that will neutralize the smell. We have the proper tools and equipment to remove any dead animal carcasses and will also deodorize the area so that there is no trace of the incident left.

AAAC Wildlife Removal of Palm Beaches is here to help you get rid of your armadillo problem for good! We have the experience and knowledge to get the job done right the first time.

As a full-service nuisance wildlife control company, we also provide wildlife damage repair. No matter how big or small the issue, we can resolve it.

Armadillo Removal in Palm Beaches FAQs

What To Do If You See An Armadillo?

Armadillos are not dangerous most of the time to humans, but they can be when they feel threatened. If you see an armadillo on your property, it is best to leave it take a step back and leave it alone. Armadillos can spread diseases such as leprosy, rabies, and salmonella.

Can You Pick Up a Wild Armadillo?

No, armadillos are wild animals and it is illegal to keep them as a pet. If you find one on your property or even in the street, do not try to pick up the animal yourself because there could be rabies involved.

Contact a professional wildlife removal company if you need to remove the animal and resolve the issue you’ve been having involving these animals.

Can I Shoot Armadillos In My Yard?

Unfortunately, yes. Private landowners are allowed to kill nuisance armadillos in their Florida home or property. However, this is not a recommended solution and most wildlife specialists will advise against it. There definitely are more humane ways to get rid of the animals.

Who Do I Call to Remove Armadillos in My Yard?

If you are having an issue with armadillos on your property and want them removed, then call a professional wildlife removal company. Do not try to remove the animals yourself as there is a risk of injury or spreading disease. Our team at AAAC Wildlife Removal is here to help and have the experience necessary to get rid of these pests quickly and humanely.

We provide a variety of services such as armadillo removal, dead animal removal, wildlife damage repair. As well as, bat removal & bat control, squirrel removal, raccoon removal, & skunk control, snake removal, insect pest control, rat removal, bird control, rodent removal & rodent control, removal of dead animals, and opossum trapping. No matter what the issue is, our wildlife control experts can resolve it. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Any wild animal problem that you may have can be solved by our Palm Beaches wildlife control company. Call AAAC Wildlife Removal and our team of experts will take care of the problem for you anywhere in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Alex Lauffenburger

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

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